I'm back to SCAD for my spring quarter. and one one of my favorite events is going on HvZ, to all those out there who don't known the grandness of HvZ, ill explain. HvZ or Humans versus Zombies. is a tag game the we play for about 5 days. Human have Nerf guns and socks and zombies have just there hands. when a zombie is tagged he is out of the game for 15 minuets, but if a human is tagged, he is out for an hour and when he comes back he is a zombie. the game starts with one zombie (known as the OZ or Original Zombie) and the zombies grow till they out number the humans. so far I am a human and survived the first day. Lets see if I make it to the end.
but you did not come here to hear me ramble on about the worlds greatest game of tag. You are here to see my art. todays is another entry that I enter into stephen's art me up challenge. This idea hit me while riding back from the mall over break and I knew I had to do it. It is based on this
famous Dada art pice done by Marcel Duchamp. hopefully one of my entires makes it in to his gallery and as soon as one does I will post it here. you can see the full image in my [websites] Gallery, my DeviantART page, and my Newgrounds page